Thursday, January 1, 2009

My favorite New Years Eve quote:
Nurse: How are you?
Dad:Fine except for my gut.
Nurse: Whats wrong with it?
Dad: It was removed.


Markie said...

????? I will definitely need more information.

Anonymous said...

How is Dad always so positive? Thanks for the laugh, Dad; and thanks for sharing it, Joey.

Anonymous said...

Dad says
No big deal, people loose a piece of their gut regularly. Or so I was told. Just greatful it was not as hard as some people have had to go through.

Chelita said...

Honestly- that was the funniest thing I have heard in a long time! Thanks for the laugh!

Cathryn said...

Your dad has such a great attitude! That's why everyone likes him so much. It reminds me of another quote that is now somewhat appropriate for your dad's situation: "I guess he won't have the guts to do that again." I'm glad everything has gone well so far and will get better with time.