Saturday, August 23, 2008

More summer fun

Here are some fun pictures from my birthday. I also included a picture of AZ. I didnt take any pictures of me while I was there because I was a sweaty mess most of the time. I had fun but I wouldn't want anyone to see what I looked like while I was there.

I had planned on writing a blog about it and it never got written

I've had good intentions about keeping up on my posts. I havn't been very good about it though as you may have noticed. I thought I would wait for school to get over then I would be a bloging maniac. This summer was a blur. I started out going to AZ to see Jeff, Allie, The boys and Jill. I had planned on writing a blog about it and it never got written. Then I had a nonstop barrage of classes I had to take. Basically I got up went to class, did homework walked my dog and went back to sleep. Jill anad Aaron came up from AZ and I had a little break from school We went to Lagoon (I had planned on writing a blog about it and it never got written.) Jeff and Allie came up and we had lots of fun. I had planned on writing a blog about it and it never got written. Then classes started again and The boys came to stay for a week. So My days went a little like this: I got up went to class, played with the boys, stayed up late did homework, threw the ball for my dog and went back to sleep. Now school starts monday. This year I am the team leader and the PTA community teacher representative. I have 27 students (I hope some move) things will be busy for a while. One day I'll have to write a blog about it.